The Journey Into Gratitude: Cultivating A Heart Of Thankfulness

Gratitude Devotionals

Dear Family:

We're excited to introduce our newest online devotional series entitled The Journey into Gratitude.  As the autumn leaves fall and we approach the season of Thanksgiving, it’s the perfect time to set out on a journey - a journey into the feeling and emotion of gratitude.  The power of thankfulness goes beyond just words.  It  reaches into our souls and spirits, it rejuvenates us, and it connects us deeply to our Creator.

Our late Pastor Ronnie, often reminded us of the value of a grateful heart.  He encouraged us to cultivate a heart full of thankfulness and to demonstrate it  not only with our words but also with our actions.  With this in mind and starting tomorrow, we are beginning a 10 day journey exploring the dimensions of gratitude and learning how to weave it into the fabric of our lives.

Through Scripture, prayer, and devotional reflections we will explore the many facets of gratitude.  From understanding its power in the face of adversity to recognizing gratitude’s role in every day life, to seeing the hand of God in every aspect of our lives.  

Let’s allow gratitude to transform our perspective, enrich our relationships, and draw us closer to God’s heart.

Finally, please share the link and website with friends, family,  everyone you know.  Leave a comment on each day’s devotional message, Scripture or prayer.  

With heartfelt thanks and blessings, 

We are Love Fellowship Church 

10 Day Gratitude Series Devotional


Scripture: “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Devotional Message: As we approach the end of November, the month we celebrate Thanksgiving, the concept of gratitude becomes top of mind. Today let’s dive deep into the essence of gratitude and its biblical foundations. 

 Gratitude, as Scripture states, is not just an act but a lifestyle. Notice, the verse says “in” all circumstances, not “for” all circumstances. Notice also that it is God’s will that we give thanks. In our journey with Christ, we’ve learned thankfulness isn’t just a response to favorable conditions. Rather, it is a daily choice. 

Even in challenging, heartbreaking moments, there is always a reason to be thankful. Again, not for the pain, but for the strength it brings. Not for the trial but for the testimony that follows. 

Remember, gratitude is a mirror. It reflects our heart’s attitude towards God and life’s blessings, both big and small. Whether it's the comfort of a loving church family, the presence of friends, having our daily needs met, or the privilege of good health: let’s acknowledge and celebrate these gifts today.  

Prayer: Lord, anchor my heart in gratitude. Let every breath I take be proof of your goodness and your grace. Even in trying times, may I find reasons to rejoice and give thanks. Amen,

Reflection: What is one thing that you are grateful for?


Scripture:  “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!”  Psalm 107:1 

Devotional Message: Embrace gratitude and thankfulness as a daily armor.  When adversities appear, and they will, an attitude of gratitude empowers us to see beyond the present moment and to hold on to God’s promises.  Remember, in every situation, He is working for our good.  

A powerful part of that work is the grace and the empathy we will achieve towards others as the Holy Spirit changes our own hearts.  So let your joy be anchored in the knowledge that you are fervently loved by a God who never changes.  

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I thank you for the shield of gratitude you provide.  Even when storms rage, let my heart remain steady, ever thankful for your enduring love, strength and grace.  Amen.


Scripture: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, in whom there is no shadow of turning” James 1:17

Devotional Message: It is true that we live most of our our lives in the routine. It’s in the simple, everyday moments that gratitude often finds its most profound expressions. Today, let’s pause and acknowledge the “little” blessings that often go unnoticed yet play an enormous role in our daily lives. 

It’s easy to chase after grand moments but life’s true essence is often captured in the everyday and the ordinary. Today let’s cultivate a heart that doesn’t just wait for or demand monumental blessings. Instead let’s rejoice in the everyday gifts from God: the love of family and friends, a good meal, good health, having a reason to smile.

Prayer: Lord, help me to see your hand in the daily blessings I often take for granted. I thank you for the many ways you grace my everyday life. Teach me to cherish each moment as a gift from you. Amen

Reflection: What person or everyday thing do you unintentionally take for granted?


Scripture:  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him , who have been called according to His purpose “  Romans 8:28

Devotional Message:  Life has a way of testing us seemingly to show what we are made of, the strength of our character, and our resilience.  But there is a hidden strength available to us all.  It is the strength that comes from a grateful heart, when things are going well but also when they are not.  

One of the age-old wisdom sayings that we must embrace is “In every challenge, there is an opportunity “.  This is not about denying emotions, but about finding meaning, even in difficulty, and being grateful for the growth that it can produce in us.  

Difficult circumstances may come and cloud or even obscure our vision momentarily.  However, gratitude disperses the fog of despair and illuminates our souls and spirits.  When faced with challenges, let’s shift our focus from the intensity of the storm to the inevitable calm that follows. 

Prayer: Father, in troublesome and uncertain times, enable me to see Your hand at work in my life.  Let a heart of gratitude hold me firm to You even in the midst of life’s storms.  Today I am thankful for the growth and the wisdom that every experience brings.  Amen

Reflection: Think about the last time you happy-cried (cried because you were happy.  Who or what made you happy-cry?


Scripture: “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds “ Psalm 147:3.

Devotional Message: Life can be compared to a winding journey with many twists and turns, hills and valleys, clear paths and rocky roads.  In our walk we often discover that gratitude isn’t just about recognizing what’s outside of us, our interactions with  and responses to others for example.  Gratitude is also a balm for our internal wounds. 

Embracing thankfulness isn’t about ignoring turmoil but about finding healing and strength in the middle of it.   Healing begins when we shift our focus from what we don’t have or what we’ve lost or what hurts to what we still do have and most importantly to the unchanging love and promises of God,  

 A heart of gratitude is the key that unlocks this dynamic for it reminds us who God is and His unchanging promises and love for us.  It reminds us that even in the tough times, there are lessons and blessings. 

Prayer: “Heavenly Father, in my moments of disappointment and confusion, allow me to see with the eyes of gratefulness.  Let my heart find healing in thankfulness.  Let me always recognize Your unchanging presence and love in my every situation.  Thank you.  Amen

Reflection: Where do you see an opportunity for thankfulness today?


Scripture: “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful”. Colossians 3:15

Devotional Message: The church community, like any family, thrives on love, understanding,, and gratitude. Let us not only express gratitude individually but also collectively in order to nourish and strengthen the bonds that tie us together.  

Like any community, a church family is like a garden. Each expression of gratitude enables love, appreciation and unity to grow and flourish. Being thankful and appreciative doesn’t always come naturally to us but we must work at it.

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone but we can still donate love, appreciation, and gratefulness to one another. Even when the world outside may seem cold, let your community, our community be a warm, safe place joined together by thankfulness.

Prayer: “Lord, thank you for my community of believers and the Body of Christ worldwide. Strengthen our bonds, and may our collective love and appreciation of each other be an example to a world torn apart by hatred, division, and strife. Amen

Reflection: What was your reaction or how did it make you feel when someone intentionally expressed gratitude to you for some act of kindness?


Scripture: “For where two of three gather in my name there am I with them” Matthew 18:20

Devotional Message: As we journey through life, let’s remember to be grateful for the community God has blessed us with. Their support, love, and prayers act as a constant source of strength and inspiration.

The bond of togetherness is a divine gift. In our shared joys, sorrows, successes, and even failures, we can still find reasons to be grateful.

In our individual walks with God, our community plays an indispensable role. Our church, our families, and our friends act as mirrors, reflecting God’s love and reminding us of the many reasons we have to be grateful. 

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the communities You’ve placed around me: family, friends, church family. May I never take for granted the love, support, and fellowship they provide. Let me in turn be a channel of Your love and grace to them. Amen

Reflection: What do you appreciate most about your family?


Scripture: "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Devotional Message: There is a transformative power in gratitude that goes beyond just words. When we truly embrace gratitude, it reshapes our perspective, priorities, and even our very souls.

It has been said that a heart full of gratitude is a heart close to God.

The closeness is not just about proximity but more about alignment with God's will and purpose for our lives.

As we continue through this series, let's challenge ourselves to not only just speak words of thanks but to live lives that resonate and resound with gratitude. Every challenge, every blessing, every moment is an opportunity to draw closer to God through a heart of thanksgiving.

Prayer: Lord, may my life be a testament to the transformative power of gratitude. Let every moment, whether of joy or challenge, draw me closer to You in thankfulness. Amen.

Reflection: What is one way that you can start living a life of gratitude?


Scripture: "Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3:16.

Devotional Message: When genuinely expressed, gratitude creates ripples. It is true that our individual expressions of thankfulness can impact our families, friendships, and even the broader church community.

Imagine any community: a home, workplace, or church where gratitude is the norm. Where actions and words and responses flow from a heart full of thankfulness. 

As we individually choose to live gratefully, we influence and affect those around us. By modeling an attitude of gratitude we can even alter our communities.

Prayer: Lord, let my thankfulness be contagious. May it inspire, uplift, and encourage those around me to also live in constant thankfulness. Use me to spread joy and appreciate. Amen

Reflection: Do you remember a time in your life when someone’s thankfulness encouraged or uplifted you? If so, how?